Genscape recently completed the calibration of the Louis Dreyfus soybean processing facility in Claypool, Indiana. Clients will now have processing information from the four largest plants in Indiana, which historically, accounts for more than 75 percent of the soybean processing capacity in the state. According to the Indiana Department of Environmental Management (IDEM), the annual processing limits for the Claypool facility translate to 206,000 bushels per day. Figure 1 below shows the historic monthly processing data from Title V reporting from the Claypool facility. Since 2015, IDEM data shows that facility downtime typically occurs in the spring and late summer, while the highest monthly processing rates have been observed in the summer months.
Plans were to add the Louis Dreyfus processing information to Genscape reporting beginning in July. However, the calibration was completed prior to the June NOPA statistics release so Genscape notified clients on Thursday, June 7, about the impact on the June NOPA estimate for the IKMO region and the region’s impact on the overall national NOPA number. Genscape will continue to inform clients in a timely fashion when new data becomes available (Note: no further calibrations will be completed ahead of the June NOPA statistics release).
Beginning in July, the Louis Dreyfus data will be further incorporated into the Southwest and Southeast regional models which use adjacent monitored regions for estimated processing. Early indicators are that the full incorporation of this large processing facility will improve national NOPA estimates statistically by an average of about 500,000 bushels per month. The current Genscape calibration efforts for new facilities are focused on monitor installations completed in the Southwest NOPA region. To learn more about Genscape's Soybean Processing Monitor, and to access never-before-seen national outlooks based on proprietary, physical monitoring, please click here.